Ensuring Safe Operations On Site. Your children are safe in our program. Learn More

Get Involved
Welcome to Motherland Community Project, a community oriented and grass root organization aiming to address food insecurity, reduce diet related chronic diseases and inspire underserved communities to develop interest in agriculture as a career. Motherland provides volunteer work opportunities year-round. Join us in our mission to elevate the quality of our community and in turn humanity.
Consider donating by using the following PayPal link: https://www.paypal.com/donate/hostedbuttonid=T9XTJXJUAAKDC
Use the link below to sign up for volunteering opportunities and more.
Contact us at (217) 900-0876 or motherland.gcp@gmail.com to learn more.

Support our cause by becoming a sponsor of Motherland Gardens. Your contribution will help us continue to provide volunteer work opportunities and feed those in need.
Contact us at (217) 900-0876 or motherland.gcp@gmail.com to learn more.

Join us in our mission to enrich our community by volunteering at Motherland Gardens. We offer a variety of opportunities for individuals and groups to get involved.
Contact us at (217) 900-0876 or motherland.gcp@gmail.com to learn more.
Get In Touch
If you have any questions about our program, please contact us.
(217) 900-0876
815 S. 15th Street
Springfield, IL
62703 USA